VOSESA launches its information network node

VOSESA seeks contacts in SADC region

GSI — giving ‘service’ a new meaning

Five-country study on civic service underway in SADC

The African Volunteers Corps: a new initiative to boost volunteering in Africa

VOSESA supports MDGs and NEPAD

Astounding demand for book on service

Edutainment series promotes volunteerism

South Africa launches its National Youth Service programme

Community service for health professionals

Focus on the groundBREAKERS programme

Helene Perold — Executive Director
Joy Oba — Information Network
Node Co-ordinator
Salah Mohamed — Researcher
Philanie Jooste — Editor

PO Box 85535
South Africa

Tel: +27 11 486 0245
Fax: +27 11 486 0275
Email: info@vosesa.org.za

Read the first edition of Service Enquiry